A mysterious map and Monroe’s even more mysterious uncle means that the critters are about to go hunting for treasure.
Family Friendly Critter Comic Adventures
A mysterious map and Monroe’s even more mysterious uncle means that the critters are about to go hunting for treasure.
Talk about truth in advertising! Wonderful characters, J.p.!
If there is a fork in the road I would want to take the one to fortune…fame is over rated.
Mark, thanks for the kind words. This is a story I’ve been planning for quite some time. I hope that it will be as entertaining for my readers to read as it is for me to write and draw.
Bo, in this comic, it’s more likely to be a rake in the road, and when Monroe steps on the tines, the handle will pop up and crack him in the head.
Fame and fortune, eh? I have some great beach front property in Arizona to sell to Monroe…if he is interested. 😉
Thanks Bret,
Didn’t know that Arizona had any oceans although there is plenty of sand.