Q. Harmony appears to be shifting into fighting mode. Either that, or the frog loosened some of his brain wires.
Family Friendly Critter Comic Adventures
Q. Harmony appears to be shifting into fighting mode. Either that, or the frog loosened some of his brain wires.
This comic gets my stamp of approval! 🙂 Funny stuff!
Sometime you feel like a nut and sometimes you don’t, but mostly Q. Harmony is just a big old candy bar full of crazy.
Q is committed to his passion of inducing passion!
The fact that he continues after being bullied by a bullfrog makes him a dedicated rat for love connections!
I was going to say he’s committed or actually needs to be.
Won’t any of them ever learn that you don’t meddle in affairs of the heart. Especially when Bo Gator is involved.
Frogs will give you warts but gators will make you a meal.
Sounds like an offer you can’t bam-fooze.
It is hard to argue with that, particularly when I don’t know what it means. My knowledge of foose and foosal is fishemal.