Gung Fu, The Relentless, has really painted himself into a corner, but he is sending Captain Flame to correct that.
Family Friendly Critter Comic Adventures
Gung Fu, The Relentless, has really painted himself into a corner, but he is sending Captain Flame to correct that.
Now there is a plan.
Thanks David,
We shall see.
Captain Flame might just have the better plan.
Thanks Howard,
He’s lucky to only get called a nitwit. Gung Fu is not usually so forgiving.
So… it seems we geeks and nerds get the short end of the stick everywhere… 🙄 😉
Thanks RG,
You may have something there. I suggest a strong topical steroid cream to treat it 🙂
Hey, this time it IS rocket science!
Thanks Mark
A ship of fools, a spaceship of nerds! 🙂