A casual slip of the tongue can be disastrous when having a conversation with a bad tempered alligator.
Family Friendly Critter Comic Adventures
A casual slip of the tongue can be disastrous when having a conversation with a bad tempered alligator.
You know what they say… Frogs taste like chicken!
Frogs legs are quite tasty when breaded and fried like KFC. I wonder if they have a fast food place in France called French Fried Frogs? Yummy.
Mouse legs are a delicatessen in some cultures. Not sure what those cultures are because, um, they’re disgusting! (If mouse legs are a delicatessen some where, and I just offended you, it wasn’t intended)
I suppose if people eat fried crickets then sauted mouse legs aren’t too disgusting. Actually, I have two pet frogs and my daughter has a few pet rats, so none of them seems appropriate as food. We could always put another shrimp on the barbie, mate.
A frog by any other name would be just as slimy…
Actually Slimey has two brothers Slippery and Louie. But you knew that.
If it doesn’t look like a frog or smell like a frog . . . could be a mutated frog.
It is terrible that I rip the frogs so often in the comic because I actually have pet frogs and they are really fun to watch. They live in water in an aquarium and hang out at the surface to get air but they are also entertaining to watch swim. And they really interact when I feed them food pellets. They are a bit smaller than the palm of my hand.
Q’s next words should be “ribbit, ribbit” and run!
He would poop his drawers if he wore any. Bo Gator has a touch of T-Rex about him.
Sometimes quick thinking can get you out of a bind! 🙂
It’s not the bind that concerns him, it’s the being an entree with a side of coleslaw.
I’ve watched gators eat and since there’s not much chewing involved, I don’t think what goes down the hatch matters too much!
It does if you are the “what”.