The consulting detective is always fleet of foot when it comes to taking a case. And in Agile’s case we know that his swift feet are equally matched by his slow brain.
Family Friendly Critter Comic Adventures
The consulting detective is always fleet of foot when it comes to taking a case. And in Agile’s case we know that his swift feet are equally matched by his slow brain.
I’ll give ’em an “A” for effort!
Your grading system may have even lower standards than the local Tuberville school system.
I don’t know if the world is ready for a naked bug Sherlock. Wait, yes, there are already four tumblr feeds by that name. Nevermind.
He won’t be naked if he ever finds his deerstalker hat.
Jump first, ask questions later. The Tuberville Torch sounds like he might be a foodie!
This could turn into a real cheezy episode. That could lead to a sticky situation.
Stick around…. stay glued to your display… this things just getting tacky.