After constantly being mistaken for being a snake, berated by his girl friend, beat-up by an angry mite and harassed by an overly dramatic spider, Splunker, the earthworm, has now reached the bottom of the food chain and discovered that he has fallen behind vegetation on the respect meter.
Splunker needs some pointers from Earthworm Jim!
I was just thinking about the look of your strip. What tools do you us? I like the effects you get. Do you hand letter or computer letter?
I draw, ink and letter in Adobe Illustrator, I color in Adobe Photoshop. I work 90+% on the computer although I write and thumbnail with a pencil on scraps of paper. It is mostly a matter of what’s comfortable and efficient as work time is always a factor. I honestly focus more on consistency of posting on schedule and on being entertaining. The tools I use and my process are aimed at those aspects of the work.
Rodney got more respect!
Well I’m not exactly a fan of broccoli either. So there. I wouldn’t worry about them. They’re just green with jealousy.
Hey look on the bright side, you’re still ahead of Kale & Brussels Sprouts! 😀
Wow. He’s quite the motivational speaker. Great for the self esteem.
That’s harsh, surely he’s above Brussels sprouts though. Surely…
It may be time to move to another Garden!
Don’t let being at the bottom of the food chain define you, Splunker!
A bird might disagree!