So far in our story, the State Bank Of Lake Tuberville has been robbed by that arch criminal The Nuttster who left an incriminating fingerprint trail pointing to his stooge hench-rabbit, Archibald. Agile Bug ( AKA the mysterious crimefighter who calls himself The Crimson Freep ) and his trusty but reluctant sidekick Fusty The Cheese walked to the scene of the crime to investigate. The Freep, somehow with Fusty’s help, managed to get himself locked inside the bank’s safe. A massive rhyme spree ensued. Archibald finally turned to Chester ( AKA The Birdseed ) for a plan to free themselves from the squirrelly clutches of the Nuttster. They go looking for a nasty character called Mr. Big, who turns out to be mite-sized and violently temperamental about his tiny stature. The Seeds Of Mystery have now sprouted into Chapter Two “A Vine Mess”.