A trip to the neighborhood Waffle House never seemed like a better idea. Making the choice between eating hash browns or becoming them is not a tough decision. On Tuesday, our rescue team will need to re-group and come up with a plan of attack or perhaps Monroe has the right idea. In either case, toss another burger on the grill because it should be fun to watch.
Posts tagged Agile
Can A Rock Do More Than Break A Window?
Well, at least our rescue team has started walking again. Of course the next question is are they just going around in a big circle? Or more likely, are they headed straight off of the end of a cliff? See you again on Thursday.
Ketchup and Other Condiments
I hope you are enjoying Bug Pudding. This strip was a lot of fun to create as it is one of those times when the characters break the fourth wall. I always enjoyed the times when the characters in cartoons like Rocky and Bullwinkle would talk back to the off screen narrator. In comic strips it is occasionally fun to let the characters poke fun at some of the conventions of the media like panel borders, speech balloons and narration boxes. See you again next Tuesday when as Rockford requested, we get this circus back on the road.
On a side note, I never know what to call the stuff that we pour all over our french fries, catsup or ketchup. But then I’m not really sure about the difference between fries and chips either.