These boys are just marching off a cliff with a song in their hearts. Biologically, Slimey is a frog and not all frogs are toads, but the fleas aren’t the brightest pennies in the jar anyway. For example Itchy is only holding up two fingers in the second panel.
They are all going to be n the same boat alright. And it is goin’ to be up that well known tributary without any means of motivation whatsoever.
The market in flea futures does appear to be heading toward a sharp decline. In fact commodity prices for May “slug bellies” isn’t looking too hot either.
Look for a growth in gator bellies tho. Those singing flea brothers are flat. Or should be. XD Fun stuff, JK
Thanks, I had not considered expanding my investment position in gator bellies. But your prognostication bares consideration. Imaging a float trip down old Bo Gator’s pie chute. It would be a class 4 rapid decent or an E-ticket amusement park ride at the least. One way of course.
That’s going to be stuck in my head for a while…thanks.
Hey Bearman,
It could be worse. You could have a head full of political double speak, instead you have this comical visual of a soup ladle with three screaming fleas poised above the awesome gaping orifice of doom affectionately called the Bo Gator water-slide.