It’s that season of the year when all the election posters start popping up. Monroe seems to have realized that writing a letter to the government is an exercise in futility, particularly when the main person in the government around Lake Tuberville is Bucksnort. The only thing that Bucksnort actually reads is the menu at Pig-Knuckles, the local bar and grill.
And we know what part of the hog ham comes from don’t we! Great comic!
Now I am hungry.
Thanks guys,
I am a bit embarrassed by the fact that I put the wrong date in the publishing buffer so this comic is up a day early. But then again that’s what I get for not realizing that it’s Friday the 13th come on a Monday. So today is a sneak peek at tomorrow. If I was in Oklahoma, I be getting a sooner award for jumping the gun.
Early Pudd’n is always welcome!