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Turning Green

Turning Green published on 2 Comments on Turning Green

Welcome to Tuberville, the home of Bug Pudding. Things are heating up, which is usual for the summer time in Georgia, but there is something new going on as well. Monroe’s favorite summer place, the cool waters down at the lake, has been invaded by bull frogs and things are definitely not right. Just follow your nose and enjoy the story.



Congratulations on your launching of Bug Pudding! Long awaited and worth the wait. The site looks great. The comic looks like it has a simple charm to it which I personally like. I also really like the artwork and the use of a color contour line. That being the case, I’d like to see some backgrounds to get a better sense of the environment. I look forward to meeting the rest your crawling cast of characters and other assorted creatures. Well done and a tip of the cap to you my friend.

Yer Cartoon Pal,
