Botnik is both loyal and obedient, but like most automated equipment, you have to be very specific with your instructions.
Family Friendly Critter Comic Adventures
Botnik is both loyal and obedient, but like most automated equipment, you have to be very specific with your instructions.
At least he finally obeyed the command.
It appears that Botnik, although a bit confused, is quite the toaster.
That’s exactly what I thought: Blooch?
It’s nice to find someone else who is fluent in “droid”. Professor Peachpitt seems to understand Botnik, but most of us are clueless about what the little guy is saving. Obviously, failure to communicate clearly has its drawbacks. Also the term weaponry seems to indicate that he is armed with more than just lasers. What else do you suppose is packed into Botnik?
Hmmm.. spit balls? Naw, he’s not a junior high kinda droid. I’ll keep thinkin’ about it!
Agile, who is the writer of this adventure, tells me that you are surprisingly close with that guess. And I responded to him “please trade places with me, because you need to be wearing this straight jacket more than I do. He laughed and shut the door to the basement, leaving me alone down here in the dark.
Asimov’s first robot law was made to be broken!
Asimov robot laws were guidelines for designers, unfortunately Professor Peachpitt is a bit of a rebel and he doesn’t bother following no stink’n guidelines.