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Rough Pose Sketches

Rough Pose Sketches published on

When I am laying out a new comic strip, I start with the concept and the dialog. I want to be able to become the characters and try to capture their attitude and emotions in their poses and expressions. I’m not always as successful as I’d like to be, but it all starts in these pencil roughs. It’s like acting and trying to catch the best snapshots of a scene in a play.

Panel 1
039 Panel 1

Sometimes due to time constraints, I go with just one sketch per panel but if time permits I will try several takes to try to capture the best interaction.

Panel 2
039 Panel 2

The pencil roughs are really just that, because I don’t have the time usually to overly clean them up at this stage. I sometimes forget and overwork a pencil drawing but in reality I know I’m going to make changes and edits while doing the digital inking. It’s a constant learning process for me to try to not lose anything in the translation.

Panel 3
039 Panel 3

My biggest challenge, other than fighting to keep the characters “on model”, is to keep them loose and dynamic. The frustrating part of course is the tighter the deadline the stiffer my drawings get because I’m constantly having to press to get the work out on schedule. Stress generates stiffness. I’m learning to trust my inking more and that eventually will help me loosen up during penciling which also saves me time and helps my drawings to not be so stiff. Drawing is all about emotions and confidence. Inside the mind of a cartoonist is a scary place.

Elwood’s Turkey Trot

Elwood’s Turkey Trot published on

My dear friend Elwood H. Smith, the illustrator, often makes these really fun cards that he e-mails out on holidays. This year for Thanksgiving, Elwood sent this to me and I wanted to share it with my readers. Elwood’s work is so unique and always just a delight.  Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and a special thank you to Elwood for this year’s holiday treat.

turkey trot


Characters published on

1. Clive  2. Inky Pus 3. Renato 4. Glortch 5. Rocky 6. Hawkshaw 7. Gunther  8. Louie 9. Slippery and Slimey 10. Bo Gater 11. Sydney 12. Fern Bush 13. Rockford 14.Butterball 15. Fatz 16. Agile 17. Doc 18. Morton 19. Dalton 20. Abe Mite 21. Bentley 22. Sherman 23. Dr Beauregard 24. Chester  25. Violet 26. Splunker  27. Archibald 28. Skratch 29. Thunderstorm 30. Tootles  31. Arther and Asher 32. Vidalia 33. Bucksnort 34. Q. Harmony  35. Dr Talbot 36. Griffon 37. Monroe 38. The Flea Brothers 39. Charlie Raccoon 40. Mackenzie Dog 41. Fur Suit The Bear 42. Ellie 43. Totem

Supporting Characters Not Seen Above : 44. Bascomb Trout 45. Dr. Bamboo 46. Lionel 47. Pyracantha 48. The Bees 49. The Bean Sprouts