Bentley is moving into his full campaign mode. After all there is no reason to pass up a great opportunity for raising funds. Maybe he will even use some of his soon to be realized fortune to buy Monroe a new air conditioned shell and a bottle of aspirins. But I suspect that some frogs out there aren’t really ready to join Weight Watchers (TM) without some additional discussion.
Posts authored by J.P. Keslensky
A Nose For Awareness
The pudding thickens as Bentley reaches some interesting conclusions. Poor Monroe is still homeless and suffering from the heat . A useful solution to his problem seems to be getting farther away as Bentley begins his new anti-obesity in frogs campaign.
Lousy Frogs
Bentley moves slowly, but I think he is finally on to something. The question is where is he going with it? And, how are any of his conclusions going to help poor Monroe get back into his mobile home shell?
I guess we will just have to wait till next week to learn more.